Three Ways To Better Prepare For Your Appointment With Your Gynecologist

25 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

You may have gone to the gynecologist many times in the past, but you may not think very much about how you can prepare for your appointments. If you make a point of doing the following things before you arrive at the doctor's office, you'll have a better experience and help your gynecologist to more effectively care for your health.

Learn Techniques for Remaining Calm During the Pelvic Examination

You may prefer not to think about speculums, swabs and stirrups until you have to recline for your pelvic exam. After all, the exam can make you feel uncomfortable and awkward. Before you go to your next appointment, you can learn relaxation techniques and methods that will help you to remain calm and relaxed. By learning and practicing these things, you'll be able to jump right into your relaxation activities whenever you start to feel nervous.

One technique you might try to master is the practice of tensing and relaxing all the muscles in your body, one at a time. Start with each hand. Make a fist, and then relax it. Move to your arms and continue on until you've done every muscle you can feel. This practice can help your entire body to feel relaxed; you may want to do this before or during your pelvic exam, so it's important to get used to doing it at home first.

Write Down Everything You're Experiencing

If you are like a lot of people, when you sit across from a doctor, you might forget to mention that little pain you get every now and then. You may not think of mentioning the fever you had a few days ago. However, to get a clear idea of how your health is, your gynecologist needs to have accurate information about how you've been doing.

Therefore, it's a good idea to sit down before your appointment and write down everything going on with you healthwise. This is especially important if you are sexually active, as you may not be aware of all the symptoms that could manifest from various sexually-transmitted diseases. For example, HIV infections can cause flu-like symptoms that you wouldn't associate with any kind of sexual problem. The more information you can give the doctor, the better.

Read About Women's Bodies

If you don't know a cervix from a vulva, it is smart to do a little research in between your visits to the gynecologist. Knowing as much as you can about your own body and how it works will give you a deeper understanding of the things your gynecologist says to you and the treatment plans they give you. Learning more can help you to be a better partner in your own health care.

For more information, contact Anchorage OB or a similar organization.
